Blog Post

Four Things to Consider When Naming Guardians For Your Children

Shawn Smith • September 13, 2024

Choosing legal guardians for your children is one of the most important decisions you’ll make. It's a big responsibility, but with careful thought, you can ensure your children are cared for as you would want.  Here are three things to consider:

Parenting Style

Consider the guardian’s parenting style and values. Do they align with your approach to raising children? This includes everything from discipline to education to extracurricular activities. A guardian who shares your parenting philosophy can provide a sense of continuity for your children.

Backups Are Key

Life is unpredictable. Having a backup plan is crucial. Consider naming a backup guardian in case your first choice is unable to fulfill the role. This could be due to unforeseen circumstances like illness, relocation, personal issues, or even death. 

Short-Term vs. Long-Term Care

While you’re thinking about long-term guardianship, it’s also wise to consider short-term care. This could be a friend, family member, or trusted neighbor who can step in for a temporary period if you’re hospitalized or unable to care for your children. This person can provide stability and support during a challenging time. 

Remember, choosing legal guardians is a deeply personal decision. It’s important to involve your partner in the process and to communicate openly with your potential guardians. Their willingness and ability to take on this responsibility should be a top priority.


We Can Help!

Ready to nominate guardians? We make the process simple and convenient! Start by booking a Peace of Mind Planning Session today. We’ll answer your questions, present your options, and discuss our unique pricing. Then, if we decide we’re a good fit to work together, we’ll take next steps. Mention this blog and we’ll waive the $275 session fee! Book your Peace of Mind Planning Session

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